Lady gaga is talented, spiritual, original and unique. An example of this is she can wear a meat dress in pride! She has her own style which she embraces and exaggerates quite a lot. To me, it seems she is sending a message out to everyone to not care what you look like as long as you have a good life, that’s all that matters. Even though Lady Gaga has just gotten out of hospital due to knee surgery, she released her new single a few days ago because she didn’t want to disappoint her fans. She has had a lot of hate put before her and I think that she is strong and brave to fight through it. I searched on Tumbler ‘Lady Gaga Hate’ and here are some of the hate statements I found; “lady gag does NOTHING for the gay community”, “she only wears those outfits for attention”, “she copies everyone else”, “her music sucks”, “what a bitch” and a lot more. Why does she deserve this hate? Oh that’s right. She DOESN’T! She has done nothing wrong against anyone that she could be hated on! No person in the world deserves this much hate and I personally think it’s sick that some people think they can get away with this. She is unique, original and her own character and isn’t that what life is all about? Doing what makes YOU happy? Yea, well, look at her. She has been original all her life and now she is a famous pop star famous throughout the world.
Written by Sarah Doherty, 13, England
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